Christian Living

The Brody File

Milbank Misses the Mark on Ben Carson

Liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank had some harsh words for Dr. Ben Carson today. Read below:

Neurosurgeon-turned-conservative-icon Ben Carson said in a visit to the capital Wednesday that God’s plan for him is to teach Americans that “our strength is in our unity and we need to stop fighting each other.”

What a noble sentiment! And how much nobler it would be if Carson’s time on the national stage hadn’t been devoted to exactly the opposite.

In the 16 months since his speech to the National Prayer Breakfast made him an instant conservative celebrity, he has drawn a parallel between same-sex marriage, and pedophilia and bestiality; he has declared the United States “very much like Nazi Germany”; he has likened Obamacare to slavery; and he has called the veterans’ health-care scandal, in which some died while on waiting lists for medical appointments, “a gift from God” because it shows the ills of government health care.

The problem with Milbank's analysis is that he hasn't done full research. If you read any of Carson's books, he's thoughtful and not angry.

He's inclusive and talks plenty about building consensus. Put simply, he's the type of thoughtful, non-knee jerk type of guy that just might make a good politician. Milbank may want to do some more reading.

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