Christian Living

The Brody File

Top Hispanic Evangelical Leader to President and GOP: Let's Get Immigration Reform Done

Rev. and Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, just put out this statement about the Hispanic evangelical take on the 2014 Midterm Elections:

"The outcome of the 2014 mid-term elections serves as repudiation to the idea of perpetual gridlock and the status quo. Voters determined that a Congress in the hands of the Republicans and a White House under the stewardship of a Democrat can prayerfully result in bipartisan solutions that will benefit all Americans.

"Accordingly, we call upon the newly elected Republican-led Congress to resurrect Abraham Lincoln's justice platform and engage Ronald Reagan's optimism in passing legislation that elevates life, strengthens families, protects religious liberty, and integrates millions of undocumented individuals created in God's image into the fullness of the American experience by passing immigration reform.

"Moreover, Hispanics voted and will continue to play an even more significant role in elections to come. The good news extends from the fact that America's Hispanic electorate continues to emerge as the quintessential independent voting constituency free from political manipulation but fully engaged in prophetic activism.

"To that regard, we call upon both parties to work together for the greater good. For at the end of the day when the donkey and the elephant work together in advancing our God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness then together we advance the Lamb's agenda and reemerge as 'a city on a hill.'"

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