Christian Living

The Brody File

Evangelicals Help Propel GOP To Midterm Election Victory

Here’s the reality: The GOP would not be in control of the Senate if evangelicals decided not to show up at the polls Tuesday night. More info from the Faith and Freedom Coalition below:

Conservative Christians made up almost one out of every three voters in the 2014 electorate, playing a decisive role in the Republican wave that resulted in control of the U.S. Senate, a record majority in the U.S. House, and critical victories in governors’ races, according to a post-election survey.

The poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, shows that self-identified conservative Christians made up 32 percent of the electorate and voted 86 percent Republican and only 12 percent Democrat.  These voters contributed roughly 52.4 percent of all the votes received by Republican candidates.  White evangelicals, meanwhile, made up 23 percent of the electorate and voted 82 percent Republican and 18 percent Democratic, according to the survey.

“Conservative voters of faith were the largest constituency in the electorate in 2014,” said Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition.  “Their share of the electorate exceeded that of the African-American vote, Hispanic vote, and union vote combined.  Religious conservative voters and the issues they care about are here to stay.  They will be equally vital in 2016.  Politicians of both parties ignore this constituency at their peril.”

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