Christian Living

The Brody File

President Obama and Islam: His Head in the Sand Mentality

I understand why everybody is talking about how the Obama administration committed a blunder by not sending a high ranking official to Paris for the big unity rally. But there’s a much larger point here.

Yes, they blew it but here's the real underlying problem: This administration under President Obama's leadership sees Islam as a religion of peace. But folks, just read the Koran, read the clerics' writings and teachings. It's not a religion of peace. Islamic terrorists are blowing people up because their religion tells them to do it. The Obama administration has its head in the sand when it comes to this crucial fact.

In 2009, President Obama said the following: "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance." They do? Tell that to all victims of Islamic terrorism around the world.

Or how about this quote from President Obama: "As a student of history, I also know civilization's debt to Islam." What history books is he reading? The Saul Alinsky Chronicles?

And then you have his attorney general, Eric Holder refusing to use the words "Islamic terrorism." He wouldn't say it during past congressional hearings on the matter. And now, after Paris, Holder was asked whether we are at war with Islam. He said no. Rather, he said the United States is at war with terrorists who corrupt the Islamic faith. How can they be corrupting the faith when their own holy book calls for jihad or a holy war against non-believers?

There’s one more little ditty. Now comes word that the Obama administration is convening a summit next month on terrorism.

You ready for the title? Take a deep breath. It's called the, “Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.”

There’s no mention of Islam, no mention of terrorism.

Bottom line: Islamic terrorists are at war with us and President Obama thinks the other side is made up of a few loony tunes. The only thing "cartoonish" about all of this is how President Obama views core Islamic teaching.

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