Christian Living

The Brody File

Marco Rubio on Being Pro-Life: 'This is never going to be a political issue for me'

On Thursday, Sen. Marco Rubio will be introducing pro-life legislation called, The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA). The bill would help states enforce laws making sure that parents are notified before their child has an abortion.

In a one-on-one interview with The Brody File, Sen. Rubio says even if the bill fails, he will not stop pushing pro-life bills.

“This is never going to be a political issue for me. I don’t care if it (the vote) is 90-10 or 99-1. The fundamental issue of life is one that I will never change my opinion on,” he said.

Rubio spoke with The Brody File very early Wednesday morning up on Capitol Hill. Watch the interview below with the key quote. Rubio will be the guest on this week’s national Brody File television show.

Other guests this week include Steven Law, President and CEO of American Crossroads, and Joshua DuBois, the outgoing White House Faith-Based Director.

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Mandatory Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

Key Quote:

Sen. Marco Rubio: Every life at every stage is precious. This issue of life is a fundamental issue. It’s not a political issue. For me it’s not about denying anybody the right to do anything. I’m not in the business of going around denying people what they want to do with their bodies or with their lives.

This is about protecting people, human beings who maybe can’t speak yet and haven’t been born, perhaps don’t have a name or a social security number but they’re fully human nonetheless. They’re valuable and they’re precious and they deserve to be protected.”

This is never going to be a political issue for me. I don’t care if it (the vote) is 90-10 or 99-1, the fundamental issue of life is one that I will never change my opinion on.”

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