Franklin Graham to Brody File: on America: 'We’ve Turned Our Back on God'
Rev. Franklin Graham tells The Brody File that America needs a new “Moral Majority” movement in America and says, “Our country is in trouble. It’s in trouble spiritually. We’ve turned our back on God.”
Graham stopped by to talk to The Brody File earlier this week. You can watch more of the interview on this week’s Brody File show airing Friday on the ABC Family Channel at 9:30 a.m. Video below and partial transcription.
Rev. Franklin Graham: We need someone like a Jerry Falwell to come back and resurrect the moral majority movement where you get people that have a moral background who are willing to come together and vote for moral issues that are important to this nation. If that would take place, we would see a great change in this country, but our country is in trouble. It’s in trouble spiritually. We’ve turned our back on God.