Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Sin

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Devotionals on Sin

Sometimes God allows us to struggle long before he sends help.

Trust in God's desire to conform you to the image of his son, Jesus. 

Religion in and of itself, with its “good deeds and religious works,” also leads to empty promises.

As a pastor, I have no problem with people putting $100 bills into the offering. Except when they’re fake. Like this one. 

What was once sacred is now reviled. What was once reviled is now celebrated.

When tempted to complain, why not send up a silent prayer of thanks instead?

Satan knew the three basics for selling his product to man: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

God doesn’t mind blessing and helping us. However, let us not allow success and fame brought to us by God go to our heads.

Are you struggling with guilt or shame? It may not seem like it now, but there’s Good News in your bad news.

We see David rise, fall, and rise again; and we learn from this shepherd warrior king that there is no sin that cannot be washed away and forgiven.


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