700 Club CBN Shows

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700 Club Episodes & Videos

Ivanka and 10 members of her family shiver in a two-room house in the Ukraine, their home without heat because of a defective stove. Unable to afford...

Phil and Kay Robertson of the hit A&E television program Duck Dynasty join Terry Meeuwsen to share how their faith has been integral to their...

A member of baseball's most storied franchise, this New York Yankee talks with CBN Sports about his faith.

Imagine if your decision to follow Jesus made you an outcast from your family. That's what happened to one Muslim boy. But the power of love brought...

Operation Blessing provides sheep and other resources so Abu can provide for his family as a shepherd.

Joe was the pilot of the small plane that crashed and killed his entire family. Surviving was just the beginning of his journey.

Vittal's cataracts kept him from providing for his family in India. When CBN found out, they provided the necessary surgery to get Vittal back to...

That’s how Doug and Emily describe their life. They’re living their heart’s desire and continually see circumstances work out for their good. It’s no...

When Baby Ahmed was born with a cleft lip like his grandfather, everyone wondered if his family was cursed. Find out how Ahmed and his family were...

With the harsh winds of a Ukrainian winter just around the corner, the thirteen members of a Gypsy family knew they couldn’t survive in a tent but it...

Jeff built a successful house-flipping business. But when the housing market crashed, he lost over 100 thousand dollars on one house. Jeff made a...

When Alivia began having mysterious medical problems that landed her in the hospital for several months at a time, she was too weak to work. Without...

Sohan begged his Hindu gods for water for his family and livestock, but nothing changed. Find out what happened when a pastor suggested a different...

CBN's Orphan's Promise builds a home for a Gypsy family living in a Ukrainian tent city.

2011 NFC Defensive Player of the Year Jared Allen shares how faith, family and football come together in his life.

Author Father Leo joins us to discuss marriage and how healthy marriages strengthen family bonds. GET RECIPE HERE.


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