700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Nurzada gave most of the available food to her children. But still, without enough food, her daughter often fainted from severe anemia. Nurzada...

It was Samnang’s job to draw water for his family, but the village well was both dirty—filled with frogs, waste and snake skins—and dangerous.

Savita and her husband had to sell their livestock after sickness struck their family. Discover how they found Jesus, healing, and a brand-new future...

Brad lived a double life that eventually caught up with him, but just when he thought he could walk out on his wife a near-death experience changed...

Stephen’s musical interests led him into a dark life of drug addiction, but a 3am encounter with God turned things around.

You know them as part of part of the 19 Duggar children from Arkansas, but Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar have branched out on their own to...

From the hit show, "19 Kids and Counting," the Dugger girls (Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger) share about relationships, life, and their new book “...

Award-winning former NFL coach Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren discuss the challenges of marriage on the backdrop of life in the NFL.

Tony and Rosa's marriage faced many challenges including drug addiction, porn addiction and infidelity. See how forgiveness led to healing for both.

When a mysterious ailment caused Anastasia’s hair to fall out in clumps, the young girl refused to leave her house. Discover the two ways God...

This Valentine's Day when the world is emphasizing romance, Sam and Vicki Ingrassia are teaching couples how to increase their passion for each other...

A mother gets that derided phone call…see how prayer kept the family together.

World-renowned cheese maker Tom Weber, enjoyed 34 years of making cheese. When the cheese plant faced a shutdown, he and his wife, Terry, stuck with...

Eliana provided for her three small children by taking in laundry. Because she lived in poverty and could not even afford electricity, rats often bit...

Christian music veteran Steven Curtis Chapman sings "Christmas Time Again" from his latest album, "The Glorious Unfolding".

Joyce and Al Moorhouse have invested a lifetime in helping families make sweet Christmas memories with their cookie cutter business. Although...


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