700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

When a couple discovered their son was a serial arsonist, they turned him in. But a new storm was coming as their friends and clients abandoned them...

Even after two miscarriages, Mike and Melissa believed God would give them a child. They made an appointment with a fertility doctor, but days before...

Author Wesley Bauguess discusses her life as a military officer, wife, and Army widow.

Fox News Host and comedian Tom Shillue shares childhood stories and how his parents' simple American values shaped his life.

Rob compensated for his lack of family by working out and drinking until a failed relationship sent him out a third story window. Stuck in a hospital...

Pastor Geoff Banks discusses how he overcame drug addiction, repeated rehab, and the importance of praying parents, a sentiment echoed in his father...

Lead singer of the Christian rock group, Audio Adrenaline, discusses The Hands and Feet Project that provides family-style, residential care for...

Hobby Lobby CEO David Green started his company in his garage and believes living generously resulted in a better family life.

20 weeks into her pregnancy, doctors said Sandy's daughter wouldn't survive a birth defect. But God had given Sandy a name for her baby, and she...

For decades, Ernie Johnson has been a household name for NBA fans across America. However, many admirers don’t know the adversity facing the...

9-year-old Rocio and her mom and siblings were caught up in recent flooding where they live in northern Peru. CBN provided water purifiers that...

Shark Tank winners Rick and Melissa Hinnant talk about how they started their $7 million business after the sudden loss of their baby.

Children in a corrupt orphanage were not receiving the care they desperately needed, until a local church and Orphan’s Promise teamed up.

When Nellie adopted her granddaughter Simone Biles she wasn’t sure it was the right decision, but faith made all the difference.

In her book, Through the Eyes of Hope, Lacey Buchanan tells the story of how her family's lives took a dramatic turn with her son's birth, and how...

The Shedd Family visits The 700 Club to discuss their faith, family ministry, and will sing some Christmas classics.


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