700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Author Crystal Paine explores moneymaking ideas that will help create breathing room in the family bank account.

Avaristo started down the wrong path at a young age and the Texas Chicano Brotherhood became his family. Gangs and crime defined him until he...

Shunned because of her divorce from an abusive husband, Palestinian Fadiya was able to learn how to make a living for herself with an Operation...

Best-selling author and speaker Sheila Walsh encourages women to find just five minutes to spend with Jesus in the morning and how doing so can...

In his new book Planet Middle School, Dr. Kevin Leman explains how both you and your child can survive the turbulent years of their expanding...

Hassan and eight children fled their comfortable home in Syria to live in a tattered tent with no water or electricity. Even worse, he is diabetic...

See highlights from CBN’s annual Rosh Hashanah celebration featuring Pat Robertson and Gordon Robertson with Paul Wilbur leading worship.

After the Communist takeover of Vietnam, Vinh Chung and his family decided to leave their homeland, encountering corruption, pirates and dehydration...

A single mother in El Salvador receives assistance from Operation Blessing to restart a small business that is critical to her family’s survival.

A flood in Guatemala destroys Daniel’s adobe house forcing the family to move in with others. Operation Blessing helps Daniel build a new house away...

The Hylden family was told to prepare for the worst after their teenager Ben was in a horrible car crash.

When Marshall finally admitted to Mary the number of affairs he’d had in their almost 40-year marriage, she had a difficult choice to make.

Alisa and her mom did not expect to become patients at the hospital where they had just visited a friend. But when a drunk driver lost control in the...

Pornography had a grip on Joel’s life from a young age. When he discovered his wife had struggled as well, their marriage was put to the test.

Marci Mason fought to keep her family together as her husband’s NFL career took off. In her new book “Beyond the Pain,” she shares how she was able...


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