700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Becky experienced debilitating migraines for 16 years until a miracle changed everything.

Jimmy was investigating a gas leak at his family cabin when it ignited and exploded. He wasn’t expected to survive the blast, but see how faith and...

After dealing with terrible pain in her sternum for over 20 years from an open heart surgery, Nancy was finally healed!

Sam Tignor has a seizure during football practice that turns into a coma and fight for his life. His family forms a rally cry, “Fight Sam,” but they...

After nearly a year of shoulder pain, Patti finally got the healing she prayed for.

The perfect storm of infections that gave Clyde a fever so high that doctors feared brain damage. Thinking she would lose him, Clyde’s wife reached...

Early Thanksgiving morning, Matt and Amy Knabe found themselves suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, but a holiday miracle was racing toward...

After a tree fell on Caitlin, it took a miracle to save her. Now, she and her family are thankful for how God sustained them.

Renowned surgeon Dr. Michael Haglund learns the healing power of prayer when God urges him to pray for a patient who then miraculously awakens from a...

Greg dealt with searing stomach pain for years until God finally answered his desperate prayers.

Doctors said Caroline could be in a vegetative state for years after she crashed a 4-wheeler. As she began the recovery process, things didn’t go as...

With months to live, Stan knows his only hope is in the miracles of God.

In early 2019, Maurice suffered a stroke, but a day and a half later, he walked out of the hospital with a crazy story to tell.

Doug thought his fits of coughing were allergies until his doctor discovered cancer in his body. Given a few months to live, Doug fasted and prayed...

When Ammie began saying “no” to God, her life began to unravel. Then she was diagnosed with mental illness and saddled with debt. She craved an...

After a dental procedure left Judy Turner unable to eat, she learned that God cares deeply about her and her “little tooth problem.”


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