700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Richard was mortified when he arrived to the scene of a car crash and the dying driver asked him to pray out loud—he didn't know how. This led him to...

An abusive past led to a drug-filled life for Anneshia. Her only way out came when she least expected it.

Like his father before him, Jason battled alcoholism. He lost his record deal, his home and the remnants of his dignity, but help arrived from an...

Kidnapped by a hardened criminal, one woman makes a daring escape and then sets her mind on payback.

David Vincent’s life of crime began when he stole and shoplifted as a child. He soon got into drugs to escape the pain of his life choices, putting...

Al Bettis struggled with his mother's drug addiction, and then with losing his grandparents. He numbed the pain with alcohol and pills, but...

Joe’s undercover work exposes him to a drug world triggering a relapse into past addiction issues. A jail sentence forces him to a place of...

Rick has produced music for big names, but his success came at a cost. After years of turmoil, frustration, and strife caused by a temper and need...

Neal’s inability to juggle the stresses of life force him into addiction. He loses his marriage, his daughter and almost his life after a gruesome...

For much of her life, Jordan believed that there was no evidence of God. When she debated with Christians, she always won. Then, during her freshman...

During a troubled childhood Jana made it a point to be on her best behavior. By high school she had grown weary of being the good girl and an...

An absent father left Steve confused about what it meant to be a man and Steve’s artistic talents exposed him to a homosexual community where he...

90-year-old Royal Navy War veteran gives to CBN to build treasure in heaven.

Doug longed for a sense of family and community when he joined his motorcycle gang. But over time, this tough guy realized there was still something...

As a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, Zach allowed his anger to guide him straight into prison, but the power of prayer and a preacher’s words paved...

Jason Alvarez tasted the celebrity life in the 1970s music scene, but he was left depressed and unfulfilled. In an attempt to restore his marriage he...


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