700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Luke Barnett and his daughter were on an 800-mile hike when a boulder dislodged and struck Luke. He sustained broken bones and was airlifted to...

.Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

CBN’s own Terry Meeuwsen has a little help in the kitchen from her granddaughter making sweet Easter cake pops.

After over 25 years of agony following a car accident, see how prayer set Bobbie free from pain.

Operation Blessing donors provided the most fundamental thing for this single family living in Peru; a safe place to call home.

Having received Chick-fil-A's, "True Inspiration Scholarship" reward, Peyton Edwards shares why she chose Regent University to receive her bachelor's...

Raped by her father, Alicia used alcohol and drugs to cope until she realized she was harming herself.

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Gordon and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

These videos show how the prophecies from the Old and New Testament point to the coming of Jesus Christ and His soon return again. © 2014 The...

CBN used Superbook to help children across the world celebrate Easter through digital evangelism.

Emanuel and Jennifer met in a chance encounter while aiding the homeless, which led to a life fueled by compassion and faith. They’ve seen God keep...

In Nairobi, Mokeira’s daily struggle to feed her baby, Gianna, was made harder and more dangerous because of her baby’s cleft lip. With each choke of...

Dana’s parents were in despair, struggling with guilt and hopelessness. They had no possible way to pay for their son’s surgery. But when friends...

Richard thought he was having a heart attack. Miraculously, one doctor saw Richard’s swelling abdomen.

On today’s Newsmakers: a miracle survival, debate over the Pope, and a historic baptism.


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