What Does God Want Me to Do? - Step 11 in Addiction Recovery

We sought, through prayer and meditation, to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and power to carry that out. Alcoholics Anonymous
“I’ve made lots of changes with your help Lord God. I feel better. But I really don’t know how to live this new life. My old patterns are gone or are in the process of change. What do you want me to do now? How can I cope with life now that I’m turning to you and not to the substances or behaviors I used to turn to?”
It’s right here where God wants to infuse us with as much of Him as we will seek to have. He longs to fill those empty places in our lives. He longs to teach us His ways. The key is that we have to seek Him through all the possible ways to get to know Him better: prayer, meditation, reading the Word of God, joining a Bible believing church, and choosing to make choices in line with what we are learning. We must seek him with the same diligence and passion that we sought our drug of choice.
When God Almighty cleanses and purifies us, we need to find out how to be comfortable with our newly cleansed selves or we’ll head right back to our former comfort zones. Am I speaking to someone out there who is at this place?
Everyone who has been set free has been there. It’s here where we make our pursuit of God and His ways our new lifelong pattern. It’s here where we learn to thank God from the pit of our heart that He cared enough to set us free and then demonstrate our thankfulness by serving Him, loving Him, and getting to know Him better.
What was previously unattainable, can now be a realistic goal. We ask God to help us set new goals that line up with His purpose for our lives. It’s a process that takes lots of sincerity and searching for God’s wonderful truths – truths that transform!
What is your testimony? What have you learned about God’s ways and living a different lifestyle? Are you still struggling to find comfort in your new way of life? What’s keeping you from fully surrendering?
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.”
Taking it a day at a time, we can all be free with God’s help and on the path he has for each of us.
Lord, please help anyone who has trusted in you to be free and wants to know what you want them to do now. Usually, we know what NOT to do much more than we know what TO do. Please help us to sense your leading and follow you with all our heart, soul, and mind.