Christian Living

The Brody File

Exclusive: Jeb Bush Calls Hillary "Formidable Force On The Left"

In an exclusive sit-down interview with The Brody File, Jeb Bush says that, “Hillary Clinton is a formidable force on the left.”

We sat down with Jeb Bush Friday morning at the Faith and Freedom Coalition event in DC. If Jeb Bush decides to run for president, he will most likely be considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.

The full story on Jeb Bush runs Monday on The 700 Club.

View more clips from the Jeb Bush interview here.

Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

Jeb Bush: “Hillary Clinton is a formidable force on the left. I wouldn’t discount her ability to make a difference and certainly she will be the frontrunner if she decides to run for president.”


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