The Brody File
Exclusive: Jeb Bush On Ted Cruz
In an exclusive sit-down interview with The Brody File, Jeb Bush took a slightly veiled shot at Senator Ted Cruz today when he said the following: “He's very articulate. He was a great candidate and he's starting out here. He's deciding right now, I think, what path he wants to take. I'm for solutions. To me, being able to use your skills to solve problems should be the focus for everybody in elected office today because our systems are broken. They're not working and to point out the fact that they're broken is one thing. To actually find creative solutions in a divided country to solve them is what we ought to be focused on.”
We sat down with Jeb Bush Friday morning at the Faith and Freedom Coalition event in DC. If Jeb Bush decides to run for president, he will most likely be considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.
The full story on Jeb Bush runs Monday on The 700 Club.
Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File
Jeb Bush: "He's very articulate. He was a great candidate and he's starting out here. He's deciding right now, I think, what path he wants to take. I'm for solutions. To me, being able to use your skills to solve problems should be the focus for everybody in elected office today because our systems are broken. They're not working and to point out the fact that they're broken is one thing. To actually find creative solutions in a divided country to solve them is what we ought to be focused on. So Senator Cruz is gifted and he can play a constructive role in that regard."
We sat down with Jeb Bush Friday morning at the Faith and Freedom Coalition event in DC. If Jeb Bush decides to run for president, he will most likely be considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.
The full story on Jeb Bush runs Monday on The 700 Club.
Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File
Jeb Bush: "He's very articulate. He was a great candidate and he's starting out here. He's deciding right now, I think, what path he wants to take. I'm for solutions. To me, being able to use your skills to solve problems should be the focus for everybody in elected office today because our systems are broken. They're not working and to point out the fact that they're broken is one thing. To actually find creative solutions in a divided country to solve them is what we ought to be focused on. So Senator Cruz is gifted and he can play a constructive role in that regard."