Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Sin

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Devotionals on Sin

Our hope is that as we move toward our physical end through processes of decay, we grow in new life with Christ by giving up our preoccupation with...

We have areas in our lives that can make us sick spiritually.

There is a heaviness and darkness that seems to accompany pursuing 'fun' outside the Lord’s territory. 

In my mind, I saw a banquet table lavishly spread with food representing all that God had done in me and for me.

When a red jelly stain appeared on the sofa, John’s wife lined up the children to find the culprit.

God's word says that without obedience there is no blessing. Disobedience to God's word is sin.

Can God really erase, delete, and wipeout the sins I have committed?

God’s goal is to bring us to a right relationship with Him, no matter what it takes.

Have you ever been tempted to eat a rotten potato? I didn't think so. 

No matter the trials, temptations, confusion, or successes, the one thing that helped him the most was finding that place of brokenness. It was the...


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