700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

As Seen On The Club

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What the Bible Says about Heaven

Become a CBN partner and receive the exclusive DVD, Heaven: What God Has Prepared for Those Who Love Him. As a CBN partner, you will also receive exclusive access to watch this teaching online.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A New Day

The most important decision you can ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When you invite Him into your heart, you are born again. By acknowledging that He died on the cross for your sins, you receive forgiveness for your sins, freedom from guilt, and a fresh start. By His grace – not your own works – you are saved from eternal punishment and receive the assurance of going to heaven when your life on earth in finished.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Jo Frost's Toddler Rules: Your 5-Step Guide to Shaping Proper Behavior


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Prude: Misconceptions of a Neo-Virgin

SEX. LOVE. VIRGINITY? In the dating game, the V-word has become as strange and complicated as the L-word, with purity as outdated as pay phones. What is an ex-athiest, post-porn addict, unorthodox Christian girl to do these days? How can she create boundaries without scaring off every available guy? Is purity even possible without being puritanical? In this candid, humorous account of the true-life trials of Christian dating, the author shares the wisdom she's gleaned in her quest for love in a modern world.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Liberty's Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America's Founders

As much of the world looks at the United States with disdain and distrust, it is time for us to take a cold, hard look at what we have become. John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” We have strayed from our clear moral beginnings to become an egotistical culture that glorifies self. We try to set our own standards despite Thomas Paine’s warning that “man cannot make or invent or contrive principles. He can only discover them, and he ought to look through the discovery to the Author.”


Full Episodes

A young woman is thrown eighty feet after being hit by a bus. She suffers multiple broken bones and a brain injury. See the amazing recovery that...

Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson doubles down on sharing his faith and standing up for truth. Plus, a car crash leaves a basketball coach paralyzed...

Heartbroken after the death of her mom, a worship leader searches for answers. See how a voice rocked her world. Plus, radio host and conservative...

A woman’s faith is tested when a dizzy spell threatens her family’s holiday. Plus, a couple is on the verge of financial ruin. They implement an...


Find out what prompted a husband to flee and hear the prayer that brought him back. Learn about the dream that saved a marriage on today’s 700 Club.

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