700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

When Marshall finally admitted to Mary the number of affairs he’d had in their almost 40-year marriage, she had a difficult choice to make.

After committing a murder in the name of his gang, Brian Warth was sentenced to life in prison. Just when he thought his life was over, someone...

In the summer of 97, Saundra’s daughter Cherica fell in love. Less than two years later, the very man who stole her daughter’s heart would also take...

A native of India, Tina never thought her new life in America would include an abusive husband. She found courage to leave him, but only supernatural...

Lisa Robertson was a pastor’s wife, but truly lived the life of a Christian impostor. See how she transformed her life and the role that her husband...

The 700 Club’s Scott Ross is back on the street to see if anyone knows the connection between forgiveness and healing.

Sharetta was young when she lost several family members to tragedies. Desperate for hope, she finally found healing and a new song to sing.

Dr. Daniel Neides discusses the impact of stress on the immune system.

Renee got the phone call no mother wants to hear – a drunk driver killed her daughter. What Renee did next stunned the driver – and will stun you!

Lewis grew up in a single parent home which left few roadblocks to the destructive path he chose.

Stephen’s mother was involved in his father’s murder and she was sentenced to death. For decades Stephen rejected her until he realized he must...

Drinking and driving left Eric responsible for the deaths of two young women. But he found his second chance in the most unlikely place, the mother...

Kamal’s arranged marriage resulted in 11 years of physical and emotional abuse. After her husband tried to take their four kids away, Kamal risked...

Cut from the NFL and bankrupt, Greg Scott found purpose in helping others eat.

When Gary was 45 and pastoring a church, suppressed memories of decades-old sexual abuse began to surface. Once he faced the realization of these...

Bishop T.D. Jakes goes In the Green Room to explain how to be effective in engaging culture.


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