700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

A childhood of abuse is reversed into a loving relationship when a son is able to forgive his father for past transgressions.

As an Army chaplain Darren was often deployed, straining his marriage to Heather and pushing it to the brink of divorce.

Watch a preview of "The Road to Damascus" -- the story of when Saul becomes Paul.

Watch a preview of Superbook: "Jacob and Esau"—a story of repentance and forgiveness.

Watch a preview of Superbook: "Jacob and Esau"—a story of repentance and forgiveness.

Hear from Ron and Nan Deal, Michelle McKinney Hammond, Bishop Neville Smith, Riva Tims, and Leslie Haskins as they tackle the relational issues of...

Bobby Bowers was a drug dealing, drug using gang member. In prison, his life radically changed after an encounter with Jesus.

After being part of the decision to abort his child, Maurice Huff struggles to forgive himself.

Kara prayed for her husband to be Godly, but she wasn't ready to follow the same path.

A childhood of horror was undone when Lynn took her pain to Jesus and began to experience a full life under the promises of God.

Robert Porter was a hate-filled man, but one night The 700 Club got his attention and helped him transition into a vessel of God's love.

Bishop Jakes shares his insights on forgiveness and dealing with disappointment.

An argument that turned violent left Tyrone paralyzed. His quest for vengeance became the driving force behind his new life as a disabled person.

Aline Umegwaneza survived the genocide in Rwanda, most of her family did not. This is her story of survival and forgiveness.

A couple on the road to divorce miraculously reunite when the husband and wife unknowingly attend the same church where a powerful lesson on...

Abused and manipulated by people that he trusted most, Rafael Saracual was a broken man. Could he find the power to forgive those who had hurt him?


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