700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Provides post care and counseling for girls that have been abused and or rescued from trafficking. They are provided safety, protection, and...

Katie struggled with her body image since childhood, believing lies that she was overweight. She took a journey down a very destructive path from...

Palma had difficulty swallowing until a prayer on The 700 Club paved the way for God to do the miraculous.

The prayers of a devoted mother are answered as her daughter with Cerebral Palsy learns how to walk

Resia's arthritis in her shoulder was debilitating, but no match for God's power.

After watching the 700 Club, Sanusi has dream of Jesus dying on a cross…even though he had never heard of or seen Jesus on the cross before!

Some kids seem so wild and hopeless that even the Church can rarely reach them. But a 26-year-old Altoona youth pastor has found spectacular success...

After surgery to remove a tumor, Robin's appendix ruptured sending her into a coma for six weeks. Family and friends never stopped praying for a...

Charlotte's most vulnerable people are in desperate need of help, and one grandmother is answering the call. Her work has led some to call her a...

Stage 4 cancer near his brain put a number on Jacob's remaining days.

A young and healthy father comes to grips with a brain tumor diagnosis and the reality that he has less than three years to live.

A dive into the pool's shallow end left nine year-old Josiah with four broken vertebrae and a 1% chance of survival.

Tiffany was a vibrant young mother who met her match when pulmonary blood clots threatened her life.

Prayer yields miraculous results to the life threatening medical conditions affecting Carol's baby, Sandra.

A five year-old girl with a broken arm is inspired by Superbook to believe in miracles. Valentina prays that God will heal her arm and make her...

Memorial Day is a day to honor and remember those who've paid the ultimate price in defense of this nation. Lee Webb brings us a story of courage,...


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